Thursday, March 12, 2009

Memories of Rick Martinez z"l

Today is my dad's 12th Yarzheit.

I like to think if he looked down on me today he would be proud and happy. I'm very happily married to a wonderful guy, have 3 amazing kids, and live in Israel.

As Jonah gets older, he sometimes asks about my dad. Or makes comments about him. He knows that he is with Hashem. He also apparently knows that means he is dead. So much for "sugar-coating" it.

I'd like to ask people that knew my Dad to post or send me a Memory you have of him. It can be anything from a conversation to something you remember him doing. It can be something small or big - whatever. Just a memory.

As time goes on, I don't remember as much about him. And I am not around very many people that knew him so I don't hear stories about him as often.

So I would really appreciate if you could send me a memory. :)

Thank you!

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